Sunday, August 19, 2007

Hoy! 'Ee's got nuffink on!

Has Philip Glass ever, to anyone's knowledge, written an actual piece of music?


does anyone ever recall any announcer on any radio station anywhere ever calling attention to the easily observable fact that the man's "music" is rubbish?

Am I the only one who has noticed that his "music" seems to have no other purpose than to accompany time-elapsed films of flowers opening?


maybe I'm not the only one...


John said...

Don't know Glass, except what I just looked up on the net and my ignorance appears to be another felix culpa.

But it reminded me of a Beecham story. Someone once asked Sir Thomas if he had ever conducted any Stockhausen. The reply: "No, but I trod in some once."



DP said...

Oh, Lord--Glass. Haaaack....SPIIITTT.

He's an anti-composer. He'll be studied by our descendants in the same way Yoko Ono will be--as in, "what the Hell were they thinking?"