Friday, May 11, 2007

Shoulda Called This Blog "The Penalty Box"

Cause it's where I have to sit while I'm watching all my friends play.

OK, if anyone is reading this, sound off.

Anyone out there?


Jeff Culbreath said...

Right here, Hilary, feelin' your pain. :-)

Fr PJM said...

Ah, but time in the penalty box provides the opportunity for plottin' and schemin' agin the powers of darkness !


Andrew Malton said...

Listening, as usual; commenting rarely.

DP said...

Yep--right here.

John said...

Oh, to be sure. Adsum. A day late and a dollar short, but here nonetheless.



df said...

Oh Hilary, really! Yes, I'm reading.

Unknown said...

Just got here, enjoying the lovely party very much thank you!