Wednesday, May 30, 2007

The Great Ye Bitte of Olde Englande Theame Parke

I asked a young friend from Ynglond if the Old Country had not been turned by the National Trust into one gigantic theme park of itself, with the locals hired to dress up in frothy costume and play themselves.

His rather dry reply: "If they have, it's because in England, there's something to see."

Well, John's latest post is making me laugh because I am, apparently, not the only one to have thought of it:

Work Starts on Dickens Theme Park.

Never mind John. Not to worry. It's like the Lord of the Rings movies. They weren't nearly so good as everyone said, because before they came out, no one had read the book. But because they had seen the films, the book came back. I remember for years getting on a Toronto subway and seeing someone with the big thick tome on their lap nearly every time. More people read Jane Austen without being told to by an English teacher after than ever did before the BBC and Gwynneth Paltrow and the horrible Keira Knightly murdleized them.

1 comment:

Andrew Malton said...

Surely GP is worse than KK.