Tuesday, May 22, 2007

Good Things in England

There has to be something.

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Young Catholic Adults looks interesting.

YCA (Young Catholic Adults) was founded on 7th February 2004 at St. Benet’s Hall Oxford. It is a group aimed at youngadults which will have local prayer groups/events combined with national days of recollection/retreats. Our spirituality is based on our traditional Catholic liturgical heritage.

Many groups involving younger Catholics tend to become polarised and argumentative (in part due to a lack of catechesis), therefore YCA has decided to adopt a positive and charitable ethos based on orthodox Catholic teaching. Our role models are St. John Vianney, the English Martyrs and St. Francis de Salle. Also, it was felt that YCA could provide a more contemplative sprituality than other younger Christian groups around at the moment.

What are the aims of Young Catholic Adults? Its aims are:-
To foster authentic Catholc teaching and spirituality

Promote a spirit of charity as practiced by the great saints of the Church such as St. John Vianney St. Francis de Sales and the English Martyrs. It is principally aimed at young adults, but is open to all.

We aim to promote a spirit of beauty and reverence in the Sacred Liturgy. YCA are loyal to the Magisterium and faithful to John Paul II's teaching with regard to Ecclesia Dei (1988), which means that we use the Traditional Mass.

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The Good Counsel Network
Through and with Mary, the Mediatrix of All Graces,
to Mediate the Mission of Motherhood,
in order to save as many babies as possible from abortion,
using the most effective, morally acceptable means,
to reach, inform and help women.

What is The Good Counsel Network?

A life-affirming women’s organisation which offers a free pregnancy test, free advice, medical information, practical help and moral support to women seeking abortion. We reach out to women seeking abortion who have not been informed about the risks to their physical and psychological health and who have not been presented with realistic alternatives to abortion. We deal with the hardest cases of crisis pregnancy every day.

Our work cannot succeed without spiritual help. We aim to have Mass offered every week "for the conversion of all hearts leading to the end of abortion". A list of Masses arranged for the next few months is shown below. This list is not exhaustive: further Masses will be added as they are arranged.

Please, please make every effort to come to these Masses.

Date Time Place
The second Friday of each month 6.30 p.m.
Traditional Rite* Corpus Christi, Maiden Lane, Covent Garden, London

* Organised by the Latin Mass Society

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Baronius Press

New editions of Robert Hugh Benson, Chesterton, Newman and Gueranger as well as the main works of the Saints and spiritual writers of the past.

At last, trade in your tatty old TAN edition of the Roman Catechism.
Dolorous Dialogues, Dark Nights, and a Douay for every day of the week.

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Latin Language School
at the
Benedictine Study and Arts Centre at Ealing Abbey

Summer Latin Experience

Welcome to the beginning, intermediate and advanced Latin experience. Encounter the living Latin language. Learn Latin from original texts both ancient and modern. Compose your own sentences. Enjoy listening to spoken Latin and speak Latin yourself. Instruction given in English.

No vocabulary cards! No paradigms to memorize! Just the living language to understand, write and speak.

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And, of course,


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