Sunday, July 8, 2007


A sampling of the MP scare headlines:

first runner up one hour ago, third prize goes to the Guardian: "Pope revives old Latin Mass, to protests"

Second runner up, also one hour old: "New rule for Latin Mass worries critics"

and the grand prize, split between MSNBC and Reuters:
"Pope OKs Latin mass, sparks Jewish concern"

Let's give them a big hand!

* special mention goes to the Belfast Telegraph who quoted the ever vigilant ADL calling it a "body blow to Catholic Jewish relations", that we still might think it a good idea if the Jews, along with everyone else, became Catholic.

1 comment:

John said...

The headline writers for Sunday's L.A. Times got the memo.

The online edition:
"Pope elevates Latin Mass -
Benedict authorizes wider use. Traditionalists are pleased, but others see an erosion of Vatican II reforms."

The print edition:

"Pope Elevates Latin Mass, Leaving Some Polarized".

Does that last mean they got little snapshots of themselves that developed right before their eyes within 60 seconds? Or maybe it's another global warming thing, the antarctic melting or something?

The modern world is so confusing.

