Tuesday, July 31, 2007

Besides their gender deviating from the Catholic priest norm, neither of the two deacons ordained Sunday -- who are scheduled for re-ordination as priests on July 28 -- is celibate. Norma Coon, of San Diego, has been married for 40 years. Toni Tortorilla, of Portland, lives with her lesbian partner. Cordero, a newly anointed priest who lives in San Luis Obispo, is a former nun who has been married for 30 years to a former Jesuit priest.

So, do you have to go to Walking-Cliche school to learn to be this good at it? or is it something you can learn as you go?
The ceremony, which took place on the feast day of Mary Magdalene, also differed from the standard Catholic ordination in the names the presiding clergy used for God, who is ordinarily referred to as "the Father." The female priests instead referred to "Mother and Father" and to "God/de." (The latter is pronounced like "God," with the silent, extra letters hinting at a goddess that those in the ceremony declined to refer to explicitly.) Jesus Christ retained his masculine identity, however...
but I heard there's stuff you can do about that these days.

H/T to Diogenes

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