Wednesday, September 12, 2007

London Memories

When I was a wee little girl, Mum and I were in London for a couple of days seeing the sights and we were in some large train station and got separated. Imagine being less than four feet high, looking through a forest of legs, reaching up to grab Mummy's hand and discovering that she had turned into a stranger and was nowhere to be seen. I did the only thing a sensible five-year old could do and sat down on the floor and started screaming and crying. A policeman was by my side in about ten seconds, patted my head, picked me up and took me over to some wicket or other where the lady paged my mum.

Britain is different now, I understand.


Unknown said...

This would still happen in Singapore, though.

Hilary Jane Margaret White said...

well, yes, but isn't Singapore almost entirely populated by foreigners?

Unknown said...

Ah, but a good percentage of those foreigners speak beautiful RP, which you aren't likely to hear on the streets in Great Britain. Rivermouth or slanty eyes?