Saturday, April 28, 2007

A Note For Broad Publication

I wanted everyone who has prayed for or offered Masses for my mum to know that prayer works. When I put the notes up on Devout Life, I had heard that she was more or less comatose and was likely to die within days, or possibly hours.

A few days ago, I received the following note from my friend in Vancouver who is looking after my mum's affairs.:

Hi Hilary,

I've just gotten back from two days in Vancouver and Judy has revived
remarkably. She went from being unable to talk or take any liquids to
drinking water and having short conversations. Apart from activating
my power of attorney to deal with banking issues, we just spent a bunch of
time sitting together and watching her favourite TV show on DVD.

By the end of Friday, she even said she felt a bit hungry. If she manages to
get some soup to stay down, it would be the first food she's had in
almost three weeks. [Her brother] Robert is in town for the weekend and will see her Saturday.

I was out of email contact, so I just saw your email. I'm also replacing her computer, which has chosen now to fail irrepairably.

All the best,


Prayer works. I would be very grateful if those of ye who have blogs would publish this information and thank everyone very kindly for their prayers.

1 comment:

Kathy said...

Wow. Thanks be to God.